Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hello my favorite season!

Hello October! Hello cold weather! Hello BOOTS and SWEATERS and SCARVES! Hello my favorite season…
Siiiiiigh….there was snow on my car this morning. I keep forgetting that I need to start my car and let it warm up. But that frost is a pleasant surprise every dawn. It probably won’t be pleasant anymore later on when it’s 20 below out and my eyeballs are freezing. But for now I will enjoy it.

I’m trying to enjoy everything about this season this year. It just goes so quick! Things kinda slow down and all I want to do is cuddle up and watch movies. And I have been procrastinating for about a month now on EVERYTHING. In the beginning of November I will be having a booth and I can’t seem to make anything! I have tons of ideas but I can’t get myself to work. I mean, come on…there’s TV to watch, hot apple cider to chug, and leaves to crunch.

And now I’m on a list making kick. Maybe making lists makes me feel like I’m actually going to do something that I write on the list. Hmmm…this is getting deep.
Here is a list of everything I’m enjoying/thankful for right now…at least this list isn’t full of things that I need to get done…I’m running out of clean socks…

1.       Pumpkin truffles from the Chubby Chipmunk in Deadwood, SD. You haven’t had anything pumpkin until you’ve tried these!

2.       Making plans with the Manfriend for our future Victorian Farmhouse. EXCITING!

3.       My new phone that I have to handle with two hands at all times because it’s way too big for just one. I found a paint app and I can’t stop…another way to procrastinate…

4.       Listening to the perfect version of my favorite Christmas song over and over and over: “The Little Drummer Boy” by the Harry Simeone Chorale. Click here to listen:

5.       Planning a trip to Norway with my sisters! I knew those Norwegian classes would come in handy!

6.       Wearing huge chunky knitted anything.

7.       Going on Pinterest and drooling over all the Fall recipes and decorating ideas.

8.       Watching my favorite show New Girl with my seesters. It’s on Fox every Tuesday at 8 central time. In case you want to watch the funniest show ever…

9.       My parent’s new house that I will get to live in for a year!

10.   Shopping at Hobby Lobby with my mom for said house. P.S. - If you shop at Hobby you know about the weekly coupon? If you have a smart phone, bring up at the register and click on coupon for 40% off a regularly priced item. Just want to share the savings!

What are you enjoying about this season so far?


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