I never realize how much I love home until I spend time somewhere else. I always feel the same excitement leaving as I do returning. I have traveled to a lot of places in this world, but North Dakota always stays with me. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I have scoria in my blood, Badlands in my heart and big skies in my eyes!
As I was musing about North Dakota, I grabbed my laptop and started flipping through all of the pictures I’ve snapped over the years of my home place. I would like to share some of my favorites with you…some of the places I've trekked acres and buttes and trails to capture:
The Badlands are one of my favorite places to photograph...
Windmills always catch my attention.
The sun went down on one of my photography excursions...dirt road in the headlights...

Pretty in every season!
You can't fail with a horse in your picture...
I hope you enjoyed this small glimpse at North Dakota...filled with rustic landscapes, peaceful fields and native animals. There is so much more out there to see...I need to dust off my camera and get to work!
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