Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Falling for Fall.

Can you believe it’s the end of September already? It seems like just yesterday when I was making my New Year’s resolutions. And now it’s time for me to listen to Christmas music again!!! Hahaha I know you’re thinking it’s a little early for that, but every year like clockwork I get that Christmas itch and I gotta scratch it…preferably with the awesome Christmas station on Pandora. Anyways…back to September…it’s also the start of hunting season! I haven’t seen my little brother for weeks. Usually he’s out hunting til dark, and if he is home he blends in around the house with his camo and face paint still on.


I have been out with him a couple times now to help him “spot” deer. But it’s more like a free ride to take billions of pictures. He knows all of the prairie trails and roads to nowhere…to stuff I’ve never seen before! These prairie trails are more like cow trails but he’s driving so I won’t be the one in trouble when the pickup falls apart. How did pioneers make it in covered wagons? If I had made it this far west and came upon the badlands, I’d drop everything and build my soddie right there.

But they do lead you to magical places!


We’re always out when it’s later, because I have to be an adult and actually work. But I do get to capture a lot of sunsets so that’s okay.

The clouds never disappoint in ND.

I was supposed to be watching for a buck...but the sunset was a little more interesting to me...oops!

He off-roaded up a hill so I could take this one. What a good brother.

Pretty soon my pics will be filled with snow! And everyone else will be listening to Christmas music too! Ahh winter how I love thee…I will see you soon.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A few things I’ve learned…

Here's a list of 10 things I’ve learned lately…from myself, from others, and from living in the wild west oil boom.

1.       Don’t take Benadryl for the first time then try to drive somewhere.

2.       If you try to kick your heels in your office (just to see if you can still do it) someone might…possibly…hear you running about and jumping…and grunting. Maybe have a few explanations on hand for these types of situations. “I’ve got to get new shoes I’m always tripping!” or how about “How did that ceiling tile get out of place? Had to fix it!” Anything would probably work, no one would think you were jumping around and clicking your heels…sneaky!

3.       The best way to persuade someone to buy an Australian Shepard puppy is to constantly text them pictures and jokes about said puppy until their subconscious WANTS…NO…NEEDS a puppy. (Sorry Manfriend)

4.       If a semi-truck doesn’t have it’s blinker on…its probably still turning. Just wait your turn. No need to cause an accident and make people AN HOUR LATE FOR WORK.

5.       If you come over a hill and see two miles of traffic backed up…turn around IMMEDIATELY. FOR THE LOVE OF BUBBLEGUM, TURN AROUND.

6.       If you are deep into a traffic jam in your little car, in between two huge semis, trying to turn around is futile because you probably can’t see and every time you try to inch your tiny car into the other lane the truck behind you honks at you because the oncoming traffic is…oncoming. Please return to #5 and memorize.

7.       Remove the flimsy paper label from your water bottle. Failure to do so will result in grip slippage, causing a squeezing reaction which in turn results in an unwanted shower/fountain like explosion. Walking around work with wet pants is not fun. Consider me Miles Davis.

8.       Your Manfriend will never be as excited about your wagon wheel centerpiece idea as you are.

9.       If you want to run your own jewelry business, and need more time to make stuff, think about having your family members hide all of your movies and TV remotes. I said THINK about it…don’t get all crazy now.

10.   Take your camera EVERYWHERE. I have so many memories of photo ops when I didn’t have my camera. They haunt me.

One photo op I didn't miss!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Inspiration in the Weirdest Places

Tis the season of change! Man-oh-man have things been changing! It’s finally cooling off around here and the leaves are turning gold! I think the Manfriend is sick of me going off about getting to wear scarves and boots again. At least his level of patience hasn’t changed yet haha…
My family will also be moving soon, into a much bigger house on a much bigger piece of land that’s surrounded by a MUCH BIGGER range of landscape for me to explore and photograph and be inspired by. My little business is doing well and I’m super excited to have my first ad in COWGIRL Magazine this month! Yeedoggy!
One thing that hasn’t changed is my addiction to traveling. Holy buckaroos do I go. I just got back from a GIANT 10 day trip with my Mum and aunt and two cousins. Let me show you a map of where we went:


Yes we trekked from little town North Dakota all the way down to Santa Fe, NM and back again. And we survived. And even got a little turquoise along the way. Yeah, I’d say the trip was a success! There’s so many things to tell you about what we did…it would take forever! So I’ll just show you some of my favorite things in pictures…
Our cabin we stayed at near Antonito, CO
They have humming birds all over down there!
Grand scenery everywhere you look!

Ate lunch at the Historic Strater Hotel in Durango, CO
We saw a UFO Lookout Tower and all the cattle signs had something extra!
Taos was really cool! I don't have any pics of Sante Fe :(...I must've been in awe and forgot to snap any!
My favorite part of the trip was finally getting to see the ranch that my cousin works at. Rainbow Trout Ranch, Antonito, CO. Beautiful!!! I even got to use it as a backdrop for another photoshoot. It was perfect...

Gosh the Southwest was so amazing...I got so many ideas for things to make! I even snapped pictures in the bathrooms I was in. That sounded weird. But I had to! I think I will have to make an "Outlaw" jewelry line inspired by these two pics I took in random bathrooms:

Hard to read (darn phone camera!) but it says "When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free"
Who doesn't love vintage Indian portraits? AMAZING!
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